You Don't Have to Live with a Pain in the Derrière!
The bidet has been used in many parts of Europe for many years. It is a sink roughly the same shape of a toilet. It is at the same level as the toilet(height) and has hot and cold water taps.
In most circumstances, bathroom area permitting, it is usually placed right next to the toilet. So that no steps are needed from the toilet to the bidet.
In Europe this sink is used for many different uses. Amongst some uses and the main use is to wash yourself after going to the toilet. Females use it to soak and wash out their vagina, especially after sex. It is used as a sitz bath. It is also used to soak and wash feet. Known as a feet sitz Bath.
Now we have adopted a modern more versatile and portable version of this European style toilet invented by the Japanese. It is simple to install on any toilet. It has water jets which can deep clean the anus area. It can also be used for vaginal cleansing, and has many other functions, depending on the different models.
For hemorrhoid problems this is perfect. This way you can clean yourself properly and hygienically, after going to the toilet. It is of up most importance to keep the area super clean at all times. This is needed so that the healing of that anal area can take place.
SIDEBAR: Just imagine a cut or wound and you did not keep it clean. It would never heal. Actually if you kept it dirty , more germs would grow and it would become infected further. Hemorrhoids in many ways is similar, especially external hemorrhoids.
Sometimes people have no time to go and have a shower straight after going to the toilet. Also if you go to the toilet twice or three times a day.
A shower after every bowel movement may become a cumbersome effort. So this is the simple answer to keeping the area clean and help the hemorrhoids to heal.
Alternatively you can also use Flushable Wipes.
After the hemorrhoids have gone. You will still carry on using your purchase and be very happy about it.
As the freshness and hygiene it gives you after going to the toilet is amazing!!!!!
It is a very convenient and helpful seat to have at home.
After having used this, you will never want to go back to the traditional toilet paper.
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