Thrombosed External Hemorrhoids

Just saying Thrombosed external Hemorrhoids is enough, need I say any more?

Only the words is hard enough to say, without explaining the condition.

Anyway this condition is the one of the worst conditions in the hemorrhoid range. I judge this as one of the worst conditions simply, because the pain is just unbearable.

The sad part is that if you do not do something about your hemorrhoids in the beginning, it's pretty easy to get to this stage.

The treatment is the same as with the external hemorrhoids treatments, except that you would use a stronger ointment like proctosedyl.

The other treatment you might have to consider is hemorrhoids surgery.

This would be the next step, only if the external hemorrhoid treatment hasn't worked for you. Reading my E-Book will also help, as you will find the methods described in there are very effective and definitely work not only to get rid of all types of hemorrhoids, but also work in making sure they do not return.

Thrombosed external hemorrhoids happens when the blood does not move, sits in the pocket(swollen hemorrhoid)and a blood clot forms.

Sidebar By blood not moving, its easier that a blood clot forms.

Now this blood clot, could stay there for a long period of time and the clot becomes more evident and hardens.(more substance means bigger clot, which means harder) The clot will also start turning darkish, blueish in color. A sign when blood no longer circulates properly, or at all.

This is when a surgical intervention is needed to remove this blood clot.

See Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Photos - WARNING GRAPHIC

In some instances these blood clots can disappear on their own. Alternatively the same formula that cures hemorrhoids, mentioned in my E-Book have been successful in getting rid of blood clots.

The only thing that will remain is the piece of skin where the clot use to be.

This is known as a tag.

Hey good news at last this tag is dormant in other words no pain whatsoever. That's the only memory or sign that I have left from this terrible ordeal.

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